About this event:
Join us June 7 for First Friday!
Broad Street will be closed to automobile traffic at 4:00pm to allow classic cars, live music and food vendors to set up. The event will kick off at 6:00pm and end at 9:00pm.
We will have an exceptional entertainment line up of Cross Camp Cowboy Band at 2nd and
Broad, Evan Tigue at 3rd and Broad, The Band Silhouette at 4th and Broad, Cigar Box Band at
5th and Broad, and Zillionaires in the 600 block.
Raffle tickets for the 2024 vacation giveaway to Mexico will be available to purchase for $30
each. If you can’t make it to First Friday, you can purchase tickets at King’s Olive Oil on online
at https://downtowngadsden.com/vacation-give-away-2024/.
Following First Friday, come experience more great music at The AMP as the Summer Concert
Series sponsored by Sam Boswwell Honda kicks off for the season with Fuego Band playing
motown, funk, and soul music. Both events are free to attend.
The guidelines for First Friday include no pets, no personal coolers or glass containers,
no skateboards or roller blades and no advertising or fundraising.