About this event:
It has been a very long time since we have experienced the family friendly fun of First Friday. We are planning to hold the event on September 4 from 5:00 – 8:00pm and we hope you will come down and join us! We will close Broad Street from 1st to 7th Streets about 4:30 and will have entertainment beginning at 5:00 with the Foggy Hollow Band at 5th and Broad, the Matt Harvey Band at 4th and Broad, Damascus Road at 3rd and Broad and the Cross Camp Cowboy Band at 2nd and Broad. A limited number of food vendors will be located between 4th and 5th Streets.
Most of our shops will be open so come down and support our downtown merchants and our restaurants. We have missed you and hope to see you there! Be sure and wear your mask and social distance from those not in your household! Let’s all be safe!